Katari Taiko · 語り太鼓

Katari Taiko: Canada’s first Taiko ensemble. In its 41st year, this exhilarating, intergenerational and multi-cultural percussion collective continues to pursue “a way to summon music from thunder.” Rooted in the Japanese-Canadian experience, and inspired by the social struggles and liberation movements of North America, it bridges cultures through athletic, powerful, and graceful performance that is both dance and music. Let the drums talk!

語り太鼓は、カナダ初の太鼓アンサンブルです。陽気で世代を超えた多文化太鼓グループで、「雷から音楽を呼び起こす方法」を追求し続け、今年で 41年目を迎えました。日系カナダ人の経験に端を発し、北米の社会的闘争と解放運動の影響を受け、強健的でパワフル、かつ優雅なダンスと音楽の両方を通じて文化の橋渡しをします。太鼓を鳴り響かせろ!
