Against the Current, is created by Chibi Taiko, Katari Taiko, Sansho Daiko, Sawagi Taiko and Vancouver Okinawan Taiko, with Grace Eiko Thomson, storyteller Rosemary Georgeson (Sahtu Dene/Coast Salish), Salish music ensemble Tzo’kam led by musician and composer Russell Wallace, narrative contributions by John Endo Greenway, Hiromi Goto and Savannah Walling, and over 25 Downtown Eastside community participants with community-made papier-mache salmon. Against the Current celebrates the role of salmon in Salish and Japanese history, culture, the fishing industry, and their shared experience of resilience and swimming against the current.

Friday, November 6, 8pm

Vancouver Japanese Language School and Japanese Hall

487 Alexander Street, Vancouver.

$15 regular, $10 concession at the door

For advanced tickets through Katari Taiko Drum Group Association, please call Diane at 604-683-8240 or e-mail
